About this little Lam

Like in my second post, this isn’t my first blog. Generally I have so many ideas that could never be in my other blog due to its content. Thinking about lousy stuff and memories that makes me squirm, an idea came at two in the morning; create a blog that’s basically almost like me. Well not really but you get the drift.

So that being said, the content of my blog would be for you to love or judge.  This all jumbled into one. If you think I should just get twitter, I actually have one. You will get to read posts about the following:

* Crafts I’ve made

* A do-it-yourself post

* The things I find on thrift shops

* Food!

* Anything Baguio related

I’ll be posting links for my social media accounts that you may or may not follow depending on your mood. So here goes the little lam and enjoy.

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